Easter Sunday Worship
April 20th
6:30 AM Sunrise outdoor in the Worship Pavilion
9:30 AM & 11:00 AM
in the Sanctuary.
Upcoming Events
Worship Services
Worship Service
9:30 AM
Online and In-Person
Sunday School
9:30 AM
Pk-6th begin in Sanctuary
Youth dismiss during Change for Change to
Youth Room.
Lenten Study
Mondays at 6:30 pm - March 10,
concluding on April 14
For those participating,
books are in the office to pick up. Please read the intro and Chapter 1 before first session March 10.
Wednesday Night Community Meals
During Lenten Season
March 26th,
April, 2nd, and 9th
5:00-6:30 PM
Free Will Offering.
Wednesday Lenten Services
​Taizé Lenten Service
4/2, & 4/9
7:00 PM
Experience the silence and to feel the presence of God, through songs, scripture,
and communion.
Maundy Thursday
With Holy Communion
4/17 - 7:00 PM
GATHER To Thrive In Community.
GROW To Be Like Jesus.
GO To Be Hope
We're so glad you've connected with our
Blair First United Methodist Church community and we hope this website will help give you an even better picture of the
opportunities we have for you
to worship, learn, grow, and serve.

Worship Times
and What to Expect
Worship Services: In-Person with Live Streaming at 9:30am. Sunday School at 9:30am.
Where to Park: There is street parking around the building and also two parking lots on the East (enter in alley traveling north on 17th St.; follow alley to East side of Church) and North side of the church (enter north of the Church off Grant St.; turn south).
What to Wear: Come as you are.
(Sunday School Classes are during the 9:30am Worship during the School Year Calendar:) All students begin in Worship and are dismissed after the Children's Message. Busy bags are available, Nursery for infants and toddlers is provided.)
Tel. 402-426-2165
Office - office@blairumc.org
1656 Colfax St.
Blair, NE 68008
Rev. Dr. Doug Griger
Youth -
Children's Ministry - education@blairumc.org
Prayer Requests may be made by calling or emailing the office.
Tel. 402-426-2165
Office - office@blairumc.org